Requirements Upload files to SPIFFS independently. Read files and display its contents in the monitor. Upload FilesCreate a new data directory in the ...
Connect to your Wifi with ESP32
Requirements Connect to a Wifi as a station Software#include <WiFi.h>const char* ssid = "Xiaomi_kaylordut";const char* password = "kaylordu ...
Setup a softAP with ESP32
Requirements Setup a softAP with ESP32 Control LED with the browser Software#include <WiFi.h>#include <WiFiClient.h>#include <WiFiAP.h ...
How to control GPIO of ESP32
Hardware Software#include "Arduino.h"// constants won't change. Used here to set a pin number:const int ledPin = 2;// the number of the LED pinconst ...
The First ESP32 Project
Initialize the ProjectOpen Visual Studio Code, New Project: Append a new line in platformio.ini, the final file follow as:[env:esp32dev]platform = esp ...
Setup an ESP32 Arduino development environment
Download and Install Visual Studio CodeDownload Visual Studio Code from, and install it. Install PlatformIO Plugin Inst ...
Remote Desktop I: Install NoMachine in TX2
Most remote desktops do not support the ARM platform, but NoMachine is an exception. NoMachine has comparable performance to teamviewer. Install NoMac ...
Write/Read GPIO in your Raspberry Pi with WiringPi Library
Edit GPIO Permission Create a rule file: /lib/udev/rules.d/60-gpio.rules KERNEL=="spidev*", GROUP="spi", MODE="0660"SUBS ...
Install WiringPi library in Raspberry Pi
Git WiringPi sourcegit clone git:// wiringPi./build
Install Ubuntu 18.04 in Raspberry Pi Mode 3B+
Download the ImageDownload the image from ARMHF: Hard float for ARM (32bit) ARM64: 64bitARMHF compatibility ...